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[Internship] Eva Pharma Internship

Unsure where or how to get an internship opportunity this summer? Well, you’re not alone! Too many students are looking for the same.

Join EFGT “EVA Finding Great talent” The 1st virtual fair in Egypt to learn absolutely all you need to do in the summer of 2020 through our ETI “EVA Talent Internship” Academy.

Save the date July 1st, 10 am & Click now on the link to register: & send your CV to and Apply Here

Not familiar with an EFGT Virtual event?

There is no need to overcomplicate it. Here is what you can expect from this event:
•Around 3000 pharmacy Students will be at the event and we will allow you to chat LIVE with the HR team of EVA Pharma about different career objectives in the Pharma industry.
•It takes place in an amazing digital platform created by our team.
•Once inside the platform, you can search for ETI “EVA Talent Internship” Academy, and join the academy this summer based on your preferences, visit their digital booths to get detailed information and chat LIVE with their team.
•All that, from the comfort of your house.
Note: this event is only for undergraduate pharmacy students ONLY.


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