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Continuous Pharmacy Education Program - Accredited by American College of Pharmacy Education

"Continuous Pharmacy Education" program includes different modules accredited by American College of Pharmacy Education.
Through this program we would like to update your knowledge of day to day practices like pharmacovigilance, telepharmacy, patient safety and counselling, inventory management, dispensing and so on. We hope this initiative will be appreciated and beneficial in your pharmacy practice.

Course Objectives:
  • List the sources of pharmaceuticals, explain their purchasing process, and locate nearby group purchasing organizations
  • Describe the storage of pharmaceuticals and management of their inventoryApply the rules of store marketing appropriately
  • Employ the best practices in patient assessment and medication dispensing
  • Address medication safety concerns by recognizing adverse drug reactions and reporting them for pharmacovigilance
  • Employ telepharmacy facilities for the benefit of patients in remote and rural areas who lack access to healthcare services
  • Enhance their communication, selling, and counselling skills to build a better rapport with their customers



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